QuakeFeed Earthquake Alerts for iOS

Meet the Creators of QuakeFeed

We’re James and Linda, the creators of QuakeFeed. We live in northern San Diego county with our hilarious and brilliant son. 

We created QuakeFeed in 2010 when we were first learning how to create iOS apps. It's a labor of love - we do all the design, coding, testing, support, etc ourselves. We never dreamed that the QuakeFeed community would grow to over 2 million people!

We hope QuakeFeed inspires you to be both safe and curious about the world around you. 

If you ever run into any problems or have suggestions on how to make the app better, tap the Help button located in the top right corner, then tap Ask to send us a message. We usually respond quickly, but you know…. parenting! If it takes a bit longer, then please be patient with us. :)

If you support the work we're doing, please consider subscribing to QuakeFeed Premium. It's packed with useful features, plus it comes with a free 30-day introductory offer. 

Thank you and remember... if you feel shaking, then Drop, Cover, and Hold On!

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